firms suggest that as many as 70% to 90% of security breaches
come from the inside”
are one of the most valuable tools your company can use”
KeyGhost used as security tool.
users who want to monitor activity on their own PC will find the
KeyGhost most helpful. For example, top executives who hold confidential
files on their office PC, can use the KeyGhost keystroke recorder
to detect unauthorised entry, tampering, or use of their PC.
KeyGhost can help protect IP assets.
KeyGhost used as an investigation tool.
security professionals in private and government organisations are
one of the most common groups using the KeyGhost. For example, investigators
can use it as a monitoring device to establish an audit trail on
a suspect's computer; auditors, receivers and liquidators can use
it to create an unalterable log of all electronic communication
on their client's computers.
Users of KeyGhost know the importance of being informed.
KeyGhost used as a deterrent.
employees are aware that KeyGhost keystroke recorders have been
installed, or that their keyboard is a 'KeyGhost Security Keyboard',
it is very likely that unauthorised uses of the computer will be
reduced. The employees will know that the likelihood of being caught
increases with the installation of such a device. The KeyGhost makes
it easy to monitor the use of internet, chat rooms and email.
KeyGhost can help avoid trouble in the office.
KeyGhost used as a back up tool.
KeyGhost provides peace of mind. The KeyGhost keystroke recorder
reduces the level of stress caused by the loss of work due to system
lockups or electricity failure. Systems developers, who have used
a KeyGhost during our market testing, claim that it reduced their
stress level by 100%. Professional writers who need protection from
unexpected systems failure can use KeyGhost. Retrieval of data is
very easy and does not need extensive computer knowledge.
KeyGhost adds real-time backup safety to your data entry systems.

SX uses a Patent Pending
method to enable the highest speed transfer currently achievable
- over 450 characters per second
- without the need for special adapters, or even to unplug the device.
This is 3 times faster than the 'KeyGhost' and 'KeyGhost II' models.*
Read more 
Kit Includes:
KeyGhost SX keystroke recorder. Instruction sheet. Warranty card.
Tamper evident seal. Example notification banner as recommended
by U.S. Department of Justice.
System Requirements: Desktop IBM PC compatible. PS/2 (small
round plug) keyboard.
SX works on ALL PC operating systems (Windows 95,98,ME,NT,XP,2000
Linux, Beos, OS/2, Dos, Sun Solaris).
* Patent Pending
high-speed transfer mode - 'KeyStream' - will work with most
modern Desktop PCs.
NOTE: For USB keyboards (small rectangular plug) please choose KeyGhost
USB Keylogger.